what is programming language ?

what is programming language ?

as we know that we communicate with our society, friend and relative with the help of any languages like hindi,english,punjabi,urdu etc. Now can you imagine that how can we communicate with computer in order to complete our works. Or how can we gave tasks to computer. in order to communicate with computer systems we use programming language.

types of programming language :

there are different types of programming languages which is written as the follows :

1) procedural programming language:

this type of programming language follow all steps written by the user in the program in order to get an desirable result. Each series and steps which is written by the programmer is called as a procedure. The program written in this type of programming language can have different procedure.

example of procedural programming languages :

  • c and c++
  • java
  • pascal
  • fortan 
  • cobol
  • basic
2) functional programming language :

functional programming language focus on the output of mathematical functions. an functional programming language is based on the mathematical functions. Each function do an specific task and return an result.

example of functional programming languages :

  • python
  • erlang
  • haskell
  • f#
3) object oriented programming language :

an object oriented programming language is focused on the objects that developer wants to implement in his/her program. Object can be reuse within the program or other program. This programming language is very useful in lengthy programs. Because in this programming language code is easier and can be reuse.

examples of object oriented language :

  • ruby 
  • java 
  • python
  • php
4) scripting languages :

Programmers use scripting languages to automate repetitive tasks, manage dynamic web content, or support processes in larger applications.

example of scripting programming languages are :

  • php
  • python
  • bash
  • perl
5) front end programming languages :

an frontend is an web development language. Frontend means what we have see into the web page .an frontend is a part of website user can see it and interact with it. frontend programming language is dealing with the appearance of webpages.

example of frontend programming languages :

  • css
  • java script
  • html
6) back end programing language :

an backend is the server side of the website. It's work is to arrange and store data also check that website is work properly on the client side. User can-not see and interact with this part of website. Back end programming includes data architecture, scripting between applications and data bases.

examples of back end programming languages :
  • java
  • php
  • python 
  • ruby 
  • c#
7) logic programming language : an logiacl programming language consists of series of logics (facts & rules) to tell the computer on how to make decisions.

examples of logic programming languages : 

  • alma 0
  • prolog
  • datalog
8) high level programming language : in an high level programming language user can creat program easily.it is user friendly programming language. Syntax of high level programming languages can be easily understandable by user.

all the languages after second generation programming language comes under high level programming language.

example of high level languages :
  • c
  • c++
  • java
  • python
9) low level programming language : an low level language is also called as machine language. This language is machine friendly language because machine(computer) can easily understand it.it is difficult to understand this language by human beings.
this language is depend on the machine(configuration of computer). therefore this language is not portable.

examples of low level programming language : 
  • assembly language
  • machine language
generations of programming languages :

  1. 1st generation language : the first generation programing language is machine language. The machine language was used to program the first stored program computer systems.it is only the language that computer can understand.

all the commands and data values in this language are expressed by 0&1.

advantage of machine language :

  • the main advantage of machine language is that the code can run very fast and efficiently, since it is directly executed by the CPU.

disadvantage of machine language :

  • this language is difficult to learn and more difficult to edit is errors occur.
  • code written in the machine language is not portable.
2) second generation programming language : the second generation programming language include assembly language.

assembly language :an assembly language is also an type of first generation programming language. in assembly language a short code (mnemonics) is written for each instruction in assembly language programing.So,instead of having to remember a string pf o's & 1's.the programmer would only need to remember short codes like ADD,SUB,DIV,JMP,MOV called mnemonics. This language is closely linked to the machine language and the internal architecture of the computer system on which they are used.

3) third generation programming language : third generation language is an type of high level language. The third generation programming language is an improvement of second generation programming language. This language is not closely connected to the internal characteristics of the computer. Third generations language made programming easier, efficient and less prone to errors. This language falls between the natural languages and machine languages.

in this language translator is needed to translate the instruction written in the high level language into computer understandable machine language. Because computer can't understand this language. Computer only understand machine language.

in this compilers and interpreter are use as a translator. 

the main advantage of these language is that the programs written in this language is portable.

4) fourth generation programming language : forth generation programming language is type of high level programming language. The fourth generation programming language is non procedural language (when writing code using the procedural language, the programmer has to tell the computer how a task is done but while using non procedural language the programmers define only what the want the computer to do, without supplying all the details of how it has to be done).
in this language the code is written in the English like sentences.in this language programmers have to write fewer lines of code to get output.
example : ruby,sql,matlab etc.

5) fifth generation programming language : an fifth generation programming language is a type of high level programming language. This language is centered on solving problems using constraints given to the program, rather than using an algorithm written by programmer .this language use in A.I. research.it contains visual tools to help develop Program. Good example of fifth generation programming language is visual basic.
example : prolog,ops5,mercury. 

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